
Purchase nvivo
Purchase nvivo

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However, after you have placed your purchase, you may be contacted for further information.Make sure you have your Staff or student # on hand to get the deals.


For more information or to purchase by phone: 1-800-MY-APPLE At the time of the purchase via the online store or by phone, you won't need any verification information. Only after receipt and validation of your identification will your product be made available to you. Requirements for purchase in the Adobe Education Store: You will be required to fax or email a valid copy of academic identification after your purchase is completed.


With the exception of Microsoft Office 365, Royal Roads does not have any other agreement in place for software at a discounted price.Īs with all educational institutions, active Students, faculty and staff are eligible to purchase software at a discounted price through many company sites as long as they provide their RRU email address when registering.

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Whether you are moving a simple table from Excel to Stata or moving megabytes of survey data between statistical packages, Stat/Transfer will save you time and money.A Microsoft Office 365 subscription is free to all Students, Faculty and staff Stat/Transfer provides both an easy-to-use menu interface and a powerful batch facility. Stat/Transfer is designed to simplify the transfer of statistical data between different programs. The GAUSS™ Mathematical and Statistical System is a fast matrix programming language widely used by scientists, engineers, statisticians, biometricians, econometricians, and financial analysts.įor over a quarter century, EViews has offered innovative solutions for econometric analysis, forecasting, and simulation. EViews offers academic researchers, corporations, government agencies, and students access to powerful statistical, forecasting, and modeling tools through an innovative, easy-to-use object-oriented interface. With Stata, you get everything you need in one comprehensive package with no annual licensing fees. Stata is a complete and powerful statistical package that is intended for researchers in all disciplines. It employs a staggering range of powerful techniques to help conduct many types of research. SYSTAT is a versatile and comprehensive statistical software package. It has long been the industry standard in the scientific and engineering community. SigmaPlot is the most advanced graphing and statistical analysis software. ATLAS.ti auttaa sinua käytännössä millä tahansa alalla. Tehokkaiden työkalujen avulla voit järjestää, koota ja hallita materiaalia luovasti ja systemaattisesti. NVivo Transcriptionin intuitiivisen muokkausohjelman avulla voit tehdä muutoksia nopeasti, merkitä puhujat ja varmistat vain, että litterointi on muotoiltu oikein.ĪTLAS.ti on tehokas työkalu kvalitatiiviseen analyysiin suurilla määrillä teksti-, graafisia, ääni- ja videotietoja. Automaattisen litteroinnin avulla saat enemmän aikaa keskittyä itse datan analyysiin. Tehtäessä laadullista tutkimusta, tutkimusaineiston ollessa haastatteluja tai muita ääni- / videotiedostoja, litterointi on välttämätöntä ja samalla myös runsaasti aikaa vievä osa työstä. NVivo auttaa järjestämään, tutkimaan, analysoimaan ja löytämään oivalluksia erimuotoisista kvalitatiivisista aineistoista kuten haastatteluista, kyselyvastauksista, sosiaalisesta mediasta, artikkeleista ja web-sivujen sisällöistä.

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NVivo on markkinajohtaja laadullisten tietojen analyysiin. Onko sinulla on suuria määriä dataa joka pitää käsitellä ja analysoida? Onko muistiinpanoistasi punainen lanka kadoksissa? NVivo voi tulla avuksi.

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